Saturday, February 20, 2010

2010 so far...

I can't believe it is 2010. Crazy! Joshua is in the middle of 1st grade and he loves it! He has really blossomed this year. He loves reading and math and he has really gotten into science. In fact, his birthday is March 4th and he is having a science party. It should be cool. We are doing it at a local bakery and the owner is going to put together a few science experiments for them to do, they will have green hot dogs in crazy buns, make their own grape soda, and have a beaker cake! It will be his 7th birthday, time flies!

Molly is chugging along as well. She is working on writing her letters. She recognizes the letters and knows their sounds, so now she is writing them. She is in afternoon preschool and loves it! Unbelievably, Kindergarten round-up will take place for her on March 5th. My baby in Kindergarten?? Oh dear! She was taking gymnastics, but wasn't really learning a lot, so we decided to give her a break for now. So, she is going to try ice skating lessons. We had our first lesson last night and she did great and she loved it! Joshua is doing it to, but his class is called Hockey, even though it is basically learning to skate too just like the little ones.