Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ho! Ho! Ho!

We ventured out to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop on Saturday afternoon. We heard the "real" Santa Claus was going to be there, so we went to check it out. They had a great set-up, with reindeer, activities, and a lot of fun! Here are some pics of the kids with Santa.

Christmas Fun!

We had a lazy weekend last weekend. We stayed home and did some Christmas baking. The kids had a great time getting their aprons and chef hats on to get to work. We made fudge, wedding cakes, rice krispie treats that look like reindeer, and cut out sugar cookies with homemade frosting. This was the first time they each got a blob of dough to roll out and cut themselves....fun! We still have to make Peanut Butter Balls...maybe this weekend.