Sunday, September 19, 2010


Ok, so some people have recently said to me that they checked out my blog and it was old. So, I am starting new...again. Before it seemed that no one was reading, so I quit updating. If you are reading, leave me a comment from time to time, and if you have a blog, leave me the address so I can read and comment too!

The fall has brought back the busy schedule in our house. Joshua is playing tackle football while Molly is in cheerleading. They both like what they are doing! Joshua is switching positions, but is currently running back. I never knew that football was so tough even at the 2nd grade level! There are two hour and a half practices each week with a two hour game on the weekend. The coaches are tough on the boys, but they are teaching them a lot. Joshua is also still doing piano, Awana, and Bible Study Fellowship. He is doing great in school and absolutely loves his teacher! He keeps growing and growing and is now starting to eat us out of house and home! Tall and skinny like his daddy!

Molly has a lot of fun in cheerleading. They have great big backpacks(bigger than her!) to carry all their gear. This is serious cheerleading with the practice uniform, game uniform, etc. There are rules that the cheerleaders have to all look the same, so if one wears the warm up jacket, they all have to. She has learned so many fun cheers and likes to jump around the house reciting them! Molly started Kindergarten this year (boo). She LOVES it! She goes half a day in the morning and also loves her teacher! Molly goes to Awana and really enjoys being in Sparks with the big kids!

Tom and I are also doing great! We recently got our living room, dining room, kitchen, and entryway all painted thanks to some great friends! We are slowly but surely weeding out piles and adding more organization to our home. Recently we had a garage sale to help these efforts. It went well, but we still have some bigger items up on Craigslist. Tom's job is going well, he is super busy and has several projects he is working on. I am still running a home daycare and I have a group of great kiddos. We have settled into a fall routine of walking the kids to and from school and I love getting out to do that. I was able to begin attending a Wednesday morning Bible study at our church and it has been good to be a part of. I also still go to Bible Study Fellowship each week. I am a co-director of Sparks in our Awana program and Tom and I lead the Family Life Committee at OCC. We are all busy, but doing things we love!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2010 so far...

I can't believe it is 2010. Crazy! Joshua is in the middle of 1st grade and he loves it! He has really blossomed this year. He loves reading and math and he has really gotten into science. In fact, his birthday is March 4th and he is having a science party. It should be cool. We are doing it at a local bakery and the owner is going to put together a few science experiments for them to do, they will have green hot dogs in crazy buns, make their own grape soda, and have a beaker cake! It will be his 7th birthday, time flies!

Molly is chugging along as well. She is working on writing her letters. She recognizes the letters and knows their sounds, so now she is writing them. She is in afternoon preschool and loves it! Unbelievably, Kindergarten round-up will take place for her on March 5th. My baby in Kindergarten?? Oh dear! She was taking gymnastics, but wasn't really learning a lot, so we decided to give her a break for now. So, she is going to try ice skating lessons. We had our first lesson last night and she did great and she loved it! Joshua is doing it to, but his class is called Hockey, even though it is basically learning to skate too just like the little ones.