Monday, September 8, 2008

Big September so far....

Molly started preschool this month. She loves it! There are 7 girls in her class, so she gets a lot of "girl" play time in. She spends a lot of time in the art center and has come home with several paintings already. Her teacher is wonderful and we are hoping for Molly to just continue to blossom this year.

The beginning of September brought around Old Settlers here in Olathe. We were there pretty much all weekend. We LOVE Old Settlers!! My MOPS(Mothers of Preschoolers) group had a booth offering a diaper changing station and a place to nurse babies, so I worked a shift there on Friday and on Saturday. Joshua's flag football team was in the parade and he had a great time! He waved and waved to everyone the whole way. The kids got to ride some rides and we all got to enjoy yummy carnival food!! We look forward to more fun fall weekends ahead!