Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ho! Ho! Ho!

We ventured out to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop on Saturday afternoon. We heard the "real" Santa Claus was going to be there, so we went to check it out. They had a great set-up, with reindeer, activities, and a lot of fun! Here are some pics of the kids with Santa.

Christmas Fun!

We had a lazy weekend last weekend. We stayed home and did some Christmas baking. The kids had a great time getting their aprons and chef hats on to get to work. We made fudge, wedding cakes, rice krispie treats that look like reindeer, and cut out sugar cookies with homemade frosting. This was the first time they each got a blob of dough to roll out and cut themselves....fun! We still have to make Peanut Butter Balls...maybe this weekend.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween and other Happenings

I can't believe it is November!! This year is flying by too fast. We made it through Halloween with flying colors. Joshua had his party in Kindergarten with a costume parade and everything. Molly's school did a Harvest Party where they all dressed like farmers. They still brought home candy, which is the important part to them, right? Joshua went trick-or-treating as Prince Caspian from the Chronicles of Narnia and Molly went as fairy-in-training Abby Cadaby from Sesame Street. We went trick-or-treating with Miss America (Kelsey) and a monkey (Zander) in two neighborhoods. The kids brought home quite a haul...there was even a house giving away full size candy bars to the grown-ups!

Football ended for Joshua this weekend too. His team finished 2-6...they won their last game though and improved a TON from week 1. We aren't sure what Joshua will do this winter as far as sports. We tried to sign him up for basketball, but we missed the deadline, so he is on a wait list. If that doesn't work out, he says he wants to take ice skating lessons and play ice hockey. He's definitely an athlete.

Molly is loving her dance class. I think it is helping her self esteem and coordination a lot. She has a great time going to class. They are having a recital in June. I can't wait to see her on stage in her cute little costume. She is going to do another round of swimming lessons this winter and then we will see if she is interested in any sports.

We are working on a lot of school stuff this month. Molly is learning the alphabet and sounds and how to write her name. It's funny how the two kid learn completely differently. Joshua is really close to being a reader. He loves it. He can't wait to do his homework each day. I hope that stays with him. We are also going to put together some Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child this year. They are due in a few weeks and the kids are having a great time figuring out what fun things we can send other kids that will fit in a shoebox. If you want to make one or find out more visit www.samaritanspurse.org.

Happy November!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Big September so far....

Molly started preschool this month. She loves it! There are 7 girls in her class, so she gets a lot of "girl" play time in. She spends a lot of time in the art center and has come home with several paintings already. Her teacher is wonderful and we are hoping for Molly to just continue to blossom this year.

The beginning of September brought around Old Settlers here in Olathe. We were there pretty much all weekend. We LOVE Old Settlers!! My MOPS(Mothers of Preschoolers) group had a booth offering a diaper changing station and a place to nurse babies, so I worked a shift there on Friday and on Saturday. Joshua's flag football team was in the parade and he had a great time! He waved and waved to everyone the whole way. The kids got to ride some rides and we all got to enjoy yummy carnival food!! We look forward to more fun fall weekends ahead!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Yes, it's true...Joshua started Kindergarten! He is such a big boy. He was so excited and couldn't wait to go. He is in morning Kindergarten and he loves it! He really likes his teacher and he has friends in his class too. I have walked him into his classroom the first few days, though he doesn't need me to. Tomorrow he will go in all by himself. It's scary looking at him in the big crowd of "big kids", but he does just fine. So, now I am officially on the other side of the teacher's desk and I have a new appreciation for the parents of all my past students. More later.....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Where has the time gone?

We enrolled our baby in Kindergarten today. It was so surreal. I am used to being the teacher, working enrollment, talking to parents,and reassuring them that their "babies" will be fine and yes, they are ready for school. Today I was on the other side of the table. I have to tell you it was weird. Joshua is so excited. He can't wait for school to start. The next big thing will be finding out who his teacher is and who he knows in his class. He has his fingers crossed for a few special friends.

More proof of time flying by is that Molly will be 3 on Saturday! She is so fun as she is getting older and more able communicate her personality. With that also comes her ornery streak. She is as stubborn as the day is long and we are working hard to convince her to be more flexible. She is going to have an Abby Cadaby birthday party, she wants a doll house, and we are going to change her room into a big girl room!

T-Ball is over and they will have an awards dinner on Thursday. Joshua will start football in August and he can't wait. It is a flag football league through a local church. Joshua really doesn't handle being injured very well, so we are hoping he doesn't have any huge mishaps. Molly will start 3 year old preschool and dance class in August. She loves to twirl and dance wherever she is, so she will really enjoy her dance lessons. The daycare is still going strong and Tom is still busy at work. We hope all of you have had a fabulous summer and will see a relaxing fall!

Friday, July 11, 2008

July, July, July

We have had an eventful July so far. I am posting a slideshow of pictures from the festivities of the 4th on Rockyou...check it out,


We had a great time with friends. Of course, Tom and his friend had to challenge the law and create their own fireworks. They started shooting stuff off around 4:30 in the afternoon and it wasn't until 9:30 that the cops showed up. Luckily they were giving out warnings, but Tom was upset that they shut them down right before the finale. Next year we will look for somewhere to go that they can legally set things on fire. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

June...went by so fast!

It is so hard to believe that we are at the end of June already! It was just a blink ago that the kids were asking "when can we swim?" The weather has been hot and rainy here. Rainy one day and hot the next. We have stayed busy so far this summer.

Joshua is in T-Ball and he loves it! He does a great job too. He is right handed, but bats lefty! Molly has been busy learning how to potty in the big girl potty. It's true! She will be 3 in August and we are on a mission towards big girl panties. Right now she does pretty well in her underwear, a few accidents here and there. She is motivated by that shiny quarter she receives for a full day with no accidents.

I am still doing home daycare. I have 6 kids total each day and it is fun. I have good kids with good parents and am happy with the mix the way it is. I also started selling Pampered Chef!! I LOVE it! It has been a great way to meet people, get out of the house a little, and earn some extra money. My PC website is www.pamperedchef.biz/angelacurry. Check it out! Tom is still an electrical engineer with Black and Veatch. He really likes his job and does well. He has several big projects he is working on, including one in Santiago, Chile!

Well, this turned out to be longer than I thought, I guess since it's the first time. I will update this blog monthly or whenever there is news to report. Enjoy the pictures and please comment to let me know you have visited. Love to all!!